When I started this journey of awakening in 2011 through my channeling abilities, I was thrilled and excited about discovering this new world which I called Spirituality. I have met many Spirits, Angels, energies, Masters, Galactics and Beings on multiple levels. Each level was a new way of understanding for me. Channeling is merely a mental world. This mental world was experienced through the mental body and it allowed me to communicate with Master Beings. This through tones, words, light and feeling.
I experienced an amazing journey with very special and out of this world encounters. I will never forget these! I am writing a book about this subject. I am truly grateful to be able and experience this all in life. I was completely enveloped in a bubble of energy filled with Light, Love and high vibes. I felt excellent and happy on my own for about 3 years. All of that world resonated with beauty, fun and love. But I could not participate well in the mundane world. I found it hard to enjoy being on Earth in a physical form, I could not stand the energies of the people that surrounded me. Festivities and concerts were no longer a fun form of entertainment, it became a burden. I, by nature socially inclined, became a loner, living almost in solitude.
Very soon my life became hard in the area of manifesting my dreams, financial resources, attracting needs in this human life, finding solutions on the physical level... I always escaped back to my ethereal world, which I would access through mediation and sleep. Often I was feeling disappointed that I had to return into the physical body and still breathing. Life on Earth has just become so brutal for me. Everything I used to enjoy so much, was no longer having the same effect on me.
Master Saint Germain, my companion throughout my existence, was repeatingly mentioning to me that I needed to learn to enjoy life on Earth. Everything I was so convinced of to be bad or of low vibration was diminished and thrown out of my life by myself. This was partially so because many Light workers were “channeling” or saying that you can't eat meat or fish, you can't listen to rock music, you can't drink wine, you can't do this and you may not do that.... The other part was because I just did not feel like it: it no longer resonated. Even sexuality became a “low thing” for me. I associated sex with being dirty because I loved the merging on ethereal levels more. Saint Germain was the only one who could get through to me and tell me that I really should enjoy life and all the things that I thought was bad because it has a lower vibration on Earth than it does in the ethereal realm.
Saint Germain repeated: “You are allowed to enjoy sex, to drink a glass of wine, to go out and have fun with your friends, to talk with people who are not awakened, to engage in Earthly things. Enjoy the aroma and the flavor of a glass of wine! I did this too. It is all part of the Earth's beautiful world in its own way and in its own vibration. You are here in form, enjoy and learn from it. Just never forget who you are and always BE yourSELF.” Be your authentic you!
Over time, I started to cross the bridge back to the Earthly plane. It was time to be more into physicality, Saint Germain said. Now you will become the embodiment of your True self after merging with your Higher Self. In other words; the time was here to embody. And so as the years pass by, I feel more present in the body, more grounded and more part of life itself. All the things I could no longer do or enjoy are now things I can enjoy again without feeling distortions in my field or heart. I remain mySELF, only more balanced and grounded. I can now actually create better and more, attract things in life and manifest myself.
We need to be into the body and balance our spiritual Self with our Human self to bring the maximum of our capacities in life. We are here to learn and embody on this level, in the physical. It is not to escape this life and to just ignore what we don't like or what has a low vibration. If we are to be in this bubble of spiritual light, forgetting about our vessel and life on Earth than why would we be into form? It is all down here, in the NOW, that we are to be present as SELF. As ME, as YOU.
What I find most challenging is to find a balance and equilibrium in these different worlds. I went from extreme physical to extreme spiritual and now back to the physical. Feeling two different worlds merged as one. It still boils down to finding and remaining balanced every day. My insights have grown and became stronger, so is my grounding and being realistic and open minded. I feel much better and more complete now.
I am sharing this with you because I want you all to know to never let anyone tell you what you can or can't do or don't, nor define who you should be. Being a Light worker does not mean that you have some rules and hierarchy to follow, or that you only are a Light worker when you are following a guru or a Master. In other words: doing human things is not making you less of a Light worker than what you are. The key lies in awakening your SELF and acting, Being your SELF in your own unique way with a knowing and an understanding through insight. Insight and understanding of YOU.
Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely and not for commercial ends, and this copyright notice and links are included.
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