February themes
February has the intent to enlarge certain themes in our lives. It concerns themes such as old thinking patterns, certain old behavior and how our mind works. We are celebrating Pluto in Aquarius and all the planets finally being out of retrograde. This means movement forward, opening those doors, and finally being able to reap the fruits of the hard and deep work we have been doing during a long period of retrograde.
Introspective remains, as always, but we can start to feel the invitation to come out and play. Creativity and ideas may stir up and arise, and we are finally closing those chapters that have been prevailing for such a long time. A time to start celebrating thus, and understanding that we can move forward and create our reality.
We are supported in this throughout this month, intensity abides. We are supported through Solar Flares, cosmic energies and shifts, the Shuman resonance peaking, subconscious clearing and light body activations.
It is especially former lifetimes and past trauma that is being released, and those can be very challenging to face as these resurface. A deep purging and clearing of layers that have been written in our DNA and subconscious mind. The light flares and light stream are helping us to erase those and to reprogram with higher lightcontent as we are expected to shift in higher gears.
So take a look at your relationships and former relationships. Where do you need to shift and where is your attention going? Are you in a state of depression or are you feeling conjunct the planet of exposition? Truths are being revealed, even deep secrets, just to clarify of underlying and outdated programs/energies. It is time to release and move along with the winds of change within this Aquarian age. It will be a constant change.
We are expecting big energetic shifts this month to propel us further in our evolution, this may bring chaos and Earthly reactions. Know that all is well and happening because of those shifts. Clearing up, cleansing the energy fields and showing what no longer works.
Let's start by keeping the balance inside. The inner and outer world may be conflicting. Treasure this knowing that everything is surfacing for a reason and that you are playing an important role at this time. This momentum is the biggest shift and can be very volatile.
We are invited to act different, to do things differently, and to create new ways and possibilities. Let's make this shift grand and powerful to take over the old ways as we start to co-create and form communities. The first degree of group energy, power to the people, freedom, innovation and higher spirituality is happening.
Keep on shining, beloveds and happy New year: the wood dragon year.
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