A year filled with a lot of movement.
9 is the energy of this calendar year. That means it is a year of completion, a closing of many things on a personal and collective level. The snake is also shaking off its skin and letting go. 2025 is the year of the wooden snake in Chinese astrology, which stands for Transformation.
Thus it looks like we will continue the movement of 2024 in a similar trend BUT more opening is quietly coming here. What does that mean? 2024 was a very intense and difficult year. Traumas started to surface, we had to let go of many things: friendships, relationships, jobs, home, inner wounds, emotions, beliefs, pains, values ... but also and especially ourselves. The image we have formed of ourselves over the years has been seriously tested, and we have had to question it. Questioning brings the opportunity to re-examine our inner feelings towards ourselves and who we really are. Where those ingrained beliefs come from ... and then healing and letting go. Transcending our own limitations.
As if the inner stirrings were not enough, there were also the outer pressures that challenged us to walk our truth. That truth that we obtained through the inner questioning. The insights that we obtained were vigorously tested as to whether we actually acted on the or not. Having insights is one thing, but without acting upon them we will not be able to manifest anything for ourselves.
The law of manifestation is: insight, being, feeling and doing. And to practice this at all our levels of existence through all our senses, otherwise it will only remain at 1 level of existence. Everything is energy and we are energy into shape (being human). So to form is to shape and that also requires actions and doing. “Walking your talk” as Jesus did.
2024 gives way to renewal and transformation, something we will feel and notice more in our outer collective living world especially from on 2026. Although everyone is responsible for his/her own living world and what it will look like. Thus, it is important to know that where you give your energy and attention becomes the shape of your experience as a living world in the collective field. There is a split going on where there is a fear timeline and a love timeline. You will already hear the drums beating in the outer world of propaganda that creates fear and creates division. Innerly the heart is pulsing/beating louder with the frequencies of love. This inner voice is also getting louder and more powerful. Which one do you choose? NOW is the time to decide this and act accordingly.
Destruction and creation are running concurrently and together at this time and these will begin to balance more and more in 2025. We can feel that much is falling apart, but at the same time you can also feel something new forming and offering itself. 2025 brings a further movement of this where everything plays out, just more openings and points of light begin to offer themselves through which we will lightly get the first signs of a new world: creation. Glimpses of this. BUT we are going to have to do it ourselves and spring into action. The opportunities are so passing us by waiting for a savior or agencies to do it for us.
Pluto is out of Capricorn (power to the systems and government) and is now in Aquarius, so the power goes to the people (collectively). It is going to have to start and begin with us. We are going to build the new platforms in groups and strive for equality. The changes are going in that direction in 2025 with more innovative projects and technologies, galactic input and contacts within yourself. We are going to grow in this. The systems are given a choice: to transform with us and revisit/renew what needs to be different OR instill via destruction so that there is room for new systems. There is no path other than change and this change will only get louder and faster.
We are now in air sign (Aquarius) and Uranus (its ruler) will enter the sign of Gemini (air sign) in June. This means that the acceleration of changes will only accelerate. To keep up with this you need to be well grounded (stay in your center) and let go completely at every moment. Whatever happens; do not hold on or try to control. Go into your center and follow your intuition every moment, because the constant changes are going to take a lot out of us if we cannot let go and be in the now. Then it's going to be a battle that you lose anyway. Whatever and whomever cannot/will not change and let go, will fall away out of this reality. Your adaptability will be challenged by the constant changes.
Thus the negativity and its forces start to implode and destroy upon itself because it reaches extremity, and the polarity is no longer balanced. Nature= balance of the 2 poles (+ and -). Everything that has been transmitted, tried and done to others, NOW returns immediately to the sender, as it is his creation. What you create belongs to you and keeps coming back to you. Everything that has violated the Cosmic Law will be stopped and dealt with as it cannot continue to exist in that new world. Why not? Because the Earth and the new world are going to have a much higher vibration, there the negativity in its extremity can no longer survive or exist. That collapses on itself, even people.
SO monitor your thoughts and feelings in yourself and toward others. These bring you into 1 of those 2 timelines (fear or love) and give you the further life world that you will experience. The outer planets also change sign, something that brings great movement and the driving force to new beginnings.
Lightworkers: in 2025, you are expected to “get into action.” Service work (spiritual), helping others, build new platforms, invest in new innovative projects, establish new projects, take on your tasks. We are going to start building and in 2026 we will see the first signs of that new world taking shape toward 2028. I especially see more galactic energy imprints present in our society and world in 2028. It can be a cooperation and society with contacts that are more acceptable and where it is no longer a secret of their existence.
Humanity must always be prepared in consciousness before physical contact can take place AND before we can work with higher technologies. Only with higher consciousness can we also have access to these Galactic technologies: that is a protection for the world and the solar system. This is very well guarded, to also protect other civilizations and our Universe. The higher the consciousness, the less humanity wants “power” and ego. The higher technologies have such power that an entire solar system can be destroyed if misused for power. Something we have already been allowed to experience to a smaller degree in Atlantis and are still recovering to this day.
We are growing, for sure. To all who have had tremendously difficult times in the past year: things are getting better and the scale is already starting to turn more toward the light. The time of the negative is now turning and is no longer receiving nourishment (hence the louder drums, attempts at attention/nourishment). Together we take care of this by radiating love at all times and giving love to others. Trust the Cosmic Law that everything that has been done to others goes immediately back to the sender. Thus, they too are given the opportunity to evolve and ascend. If they do not, then contracts are terminated (self-destruction) and they begin again in another world, but no longer this present GAIA SOPHIA world for it has clearly chosen a light world in unity and love.
LOVE = UNITY and not duality (darkness versus light).
Universal created gift 2012-2024. We co-create together and share with Love. All Rights to share, blog and use excerpts are permitted by Universal law provided the content is copied unaltered, is distributed freely, and the author + website is mentioned. Méline Portia Lafont www.houseofaquarius.net
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